Amityville Horror murderer Ronald "Butch" Defeo one page handwritten letter which was sent to Butch by author Jackie Barrett who wrote the book about the Amityville New York mass murders titled, "The Devil I Know."
8 1/2" x 11" three page handwritten personal letter hand dated September 6, 2010 in which Barrett talks about the power she felt when she helds hand with Defeo. She talks about calling the prison because she was worried about him, how he needs to call her because she misses his voice, etc. An interesting, if not bizarre correspondence from the author of The Devil I Know.
Hand signed at the close, Love you, Jackie.
Barrett has also sent Defeo a greeting card also hand dated September 6, 2010 with a handwritten message on the inside and. hand signed, Jackie + Ronnie xoxoxoxo.
Includes the original mailing envelope postmarked Triboro, NY BKLYN-QNS-STATEN ISL September 8, 2010, with 8 lines of address written by Barrett and hand signed, Jackie Barrett
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