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Robert Lee Massie was an American convicted murderer who was executed by the state of California for the 1979 murder of a liquor store owner.
Massie's case was notable because he had previously been sentenced to death for another murder he committed in 1965, but that death sentence was overturned following Furman v. Georgia.
Massie was resentenced to life in prison and paroled in 1978.
Massie committed the murder which landed him on death row 8 months after his release.
He had his conviction overturned and was sentenced to death a 3rd time in 1989.

Massie was executed on March 27, 2001.

This is the only Massie signature we have ever offered.
Appendix photocopy page hand signed, Robert L. Massie A-90159.

Includes a sheet of paper on which Lawrence Bittaker has written, Executed 3/27/01.

Robert Massie Signed


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