Ted Bundy serial killer executed by the State of Florida January 24, 1989.
Theodore Robert Bundy Plaintiff, vs. Ken Katsaris, et al., Defendants, 8 1/2" x 14" Amended Preliminary Injunction stamped on the front - Received November 2, 1978. Total of 18 pages of which the first and last page are pictured which addresses raised by Bundy such as; exercise, lighting, release from solitary confinement, health and medical care, visitation, and mail violations with the state's response. Several sentences are underlined in red on page 14 along with three lines which are circled. On the last two pages several lines are high lighted in yellow. Dated on the last page November 1, 1978 which includes an original signature hand signed on the last page, "William Stafford" United States District Judge.
This is an original copy from the court that was kept on file while Bundy was awaiting trial in Florida.
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